
Internet Safety

Welcome to the part of my website that makes me feel like an old man yelling at a cloud! Internet safety is important in any community, but I feel like it is especially important when it comes to vulnerable communities like ours. Unfortunately the world can be a mean place and there are people who will look to take advantage of you. Thankfully there are lots of easy ways you can keep yourself safe online.

I am not an expert on online safety, I have just kinda been online since way before I should have been. Do not take this as your one resource of internet safety, because at the end of the day I am just a stranger online.

Let’s start off with something important. No one should ever pressure you to send pictures of yourself to them. This isn’t even limited to sexual pictures. Sometimes it can be scary to set boundaries, but if you tell someone no, that means no! Another thing; You do not need a Caregiver to be a regressor!!! If you are under 18, do not be looking for a CG online. Even if you are over 18, take precautions.

I generally recommend those under 18 stay off of agere communities and social media, but obviously that is just my own opinion. I first discovered agere when I was under 18 and sadly was very hurt by people who treated it as a kink. It made me feel very yucky and it took many years before I felt comfortable enjoying my regression again. There are still plenty of safe websites out there for younger regressors, such as digital pet and dress up sites. I suggest proceeding with caution when involving in a social community. Remember; the block and report buttons are your friends!

Do not engage with online "trolls". These are people who exist to get their jollies out of seeing you riled up. The best thing you can do is ignore them, block, and move on. If appliciable you could report them too. Do not waste your time trying to argue with them or convincing them to change their ways.

A really good resourse that I recently found is this blog post aimed at helping disabled teens protect their anonymity online! While this moreso aimed at autistic teens instead of age regressors, a lot of the same things still apply.

Another good resource are these reddit posts I found. It goes over both the red flags and the green flags to look for in a caregiver and regressor relationship. Read through these and get an idea of what boundaries may be necessary for both you and your cg. Remember that cgs are people too, not just affection giving robots. It is important to learn your cg's boundaries and needs as well.

Not included in this PSA; don't talk about where you go to school or work. I have had high schoolers I barely know tell me the exact name of their school. Don't do this!
