

Website is a WIP! Not all links are currently working, but you can still browse around!

This website is meant as a safe space for all regressors. I have included some blog posts with my own information I have written about age regression. I also have links to fun websites, videos, information about regression itself, and lots of other stuff! The internet, especially social media, can be an unsafe place for the volunderable vulnerable memebers of our community. I wanted to put together a website that has information about safely regressing and giving ideas for activities to do while regressed, without needing to be exposed to the internet as a whole. While social media based communities can be safe, and I even participate in some myself, there is still risk out there. As a minor I was exposed to a lot of things that triggered me and made voluntarily regressing unsafe for me. I do not wish for this to happen to any other regressor.

Age regression can be a safe and healthy coping mechanism. It is not to be confused with kinks such as age play. While some regressors do particpate in ABDL, cgl, or other kinks, outside of their regression, regression itself is not sexual. I am in no way a kink shamer, but it is important that we keep the two seperated, especially on all ages websites. Minors and those of us who are traumatized by sexual content deserve the space to safely regressed without being exposed to these things.

If you have never heard of age regression before check out this website. It gives a good overview of what regression is, and why someone might do it.

Please note that some of my offsite links might not always be 100% regressor safe. While webpages I directly link are safe, I cannot always speak for the rest of the website. I may at times link helpful posts from reddit or tumblr, but please use caution if you navigate beyond what I have linked. Other websites I might link, for example Neopets, are generally regressor safe but may have social features like forums that are not always regressor safe.
